Tom Hart
Hart Sports

6908 Beeman Dr
Plano, TX 75023
(469) 223-9391 (Phone)
(214) 501-4225 (Fax)
FFL License: 5 - 75 - ### - ## - ## - 04301
FFL License Type: 01 - Dealer [Preferred]
License Expires: 10/01/2030
Store Hours: By appointment
Long Gun Fee: $20.00 $10.00 for Texas CHL holders, active military/police/fire/schoolteachers
Hand Gun Fee: $20.00 $10.00 for Texas CHL holders, active military/police/fire/schoolteachers

Shipping address: 3948 Legacy Dr Suite 106 #175 Plano, TX 75023 (Firearm shipments not accepted at premises address) If buying a firearm- email me the sellers contact information and a brief description of the firearm. Please include sellers email address (my FFL will be emailed). Selling a handgun? I can ship cheaper than FedEx or UPS!!! Usually $35 or less including transfer fee, postage & insurance. I charge $10 plus actual cost of shipping & insurance to transfer and ship any firearm. Emails to thart@tx.rr.com $20.00 transfers ($10.00 for Texas CHL holders, active military/police/fire/schoolteachers). I will accept transfers from non FFL's with a copy of drivers’ license. I do give discounts on multiple firearm transactions.

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